Collection: Essential Oils

Vivasan essential oils are one hundred percent highly refined oils produced using the newest technologies. Each of the presented oils contains from dozens to a hundred of bioactive substances.

Using essentials oils at home is a piece of cake. A set of several oils, which you may combine, is enough to get rid of health problems, improve health, raise spirits and find inner harmony quickly and efficiently, without using strong remedies.

Vivasan essential oils are 100% natural oils produced in Switzerland using the latest scientific technologies. All stages of production are strictly controlled by the Swiss state bodies for product quality and safety. The variety of highly active vegetable raw materials in Vivasan essential oils provides an almost infinite range of applications and makes our products an irreplaceable «instrument set for a healthy mind and body». Let yourself be enchanted by our Vivasan essential oils, filled with aromas, health and vitality. Swiss quality is a guarantee of improvement of your daily well-being.

Essential Oils